5 Tips for Keeping Your Resolution
Have you identified your resolution? Great! Now it’s time to share it with the people who can help you stay on track. If you let your friends and family in on your potential goals, then you can use their support to help you make it a reality.
1. Stay Practical. Break your large goal into a sequence of smaller more achievable goals. Want to lose 50 pounds? Start with losing 5% of your body weight first or create five 10-pound incremental weight loss goals.
2. Begin with small changes. If weight loss or a healthier lifestyle is your ultimate goal, start with a simple step like swapping one snack per day for a healthier option, like a piece of fruit. The benefits will add up without significantly impacting your lifestyle.
3. Write your resolution down. But don't stop there! Include the steps necessary to achieve it too. Having a clearly, articulated goal and a plan of action is crucial, according to Laura Hess, a Nevada-based personal and business coach.
4. Record your achievements. Every time you make a small lifestyle change aimed at reaching your goal—like adding five minutes to your daily walk, for instance—put a star on your calendar to visually mark and recognize your positive progress.
5. Tap the power of a streak. Let’s say you keep your resolution for a week, two weeks, or a month. That’s a terrific streak. Let that momentum drive you (“I really want to do X, but I’m not breaking my streak.”) And if you happen to break it? Start up a new streak!
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